10th September, 2018
The sun shone on 4 greens of 208 bowlers in pink
again an amazing sight
Hopefully all bowlers enjoyed their games of bowls.
Upstairs all decked out in pink balloons, flowers, ribbons.
Lots and lots of Raffle prizes all adorned in pink bows
This year we exceeded expectations again and have raised $7,770
for Cancer Council in the fight against breast and gynaecological cancer
Bringing our 13 year total to $63,029
Many thanks to all who donated items to make this an amazing day
Pink Ribbon Cup
Winners Davistown
M Love, S Owens, J Cooke, A Clarke. R Cartmill, P Price, R Blackwood, K Hutchinson.
Runners up Golden Hind
S Everett, J Philpoy, E Dawes, S Dunn. E Nurthen, R Callaghan, D Halliday, S Gad
Single entry
Winners H Austin, D Rae, M Worrall, D Matthews
lots more pics in Pink Ribbon Cup
under photos on left
under photos on left